The Sketching with your camera challenge will help you to capture the best possible image of the scene in front of you. You may like what you are seeing but you may not know what image to capture. Or, you may have an image in mind but miss other opportunities. So, how do you sketch with your camera?
In a previous post, I did the 5 minute challenge as a way to find creative images. In that challenge, I chose a random scene and spent 5 minutes capturing photos from different perspectives. I tried to capture as many images as I could in that time. I wanted to break through the barrier of thinking that there aren’t any great images to be captured with a simple subject. Check out the video here.
A New Type of Challenge
The sketching with your camera challenge is a variation of that 5 minute photo challenge. In this challenge, you don’t pick a random scene to look for images. You start with a scene that you like. Maybe you even have an image in mind. Maybe you know exactly the lens you want to use and the type of photograph you want to capture.

When I saw the lines of these stairs and railing with shadows, this symmetrical image was what I wanted to capture.
However, you may not have found the best image that the scene has to offer. If you have a great scene in front of you, there are probably multiple great images to be captured.
When an artist starts drawing with a pencil on a blank piece of paper, they don’t press hard and commit to a line or shape right away. They start to lightly sketch out the image that they have in their mind. As they sketch, they try something and adjust. Only later when they have an outline and have worked on their creation, do they commit to darkening the lines.
As a photographer, we can do the same thing and sketch with our camera. You see something that you would like to photograph and you may even know the image that you want to capture. Start by capturing that image. Now start exploring the scene and try to capture other images. Try to work quickly and capture multiple images. Like the artist with the lightly drawn sketch, you aren’t committing to that image being the only image you capture. You are exploring and trying things out.
As you work, try things that you wouldn’t normally try with a scene like the one you are working with. Find different angles and options. Some of these may even be better than the first image that drew you to the scene in the first place.

Some other shots from my Sketching with my Camera Challenge
You may just find a better image than the first one you had in mind. Even if you don’t, you will train yourself to find and see other options within a scene. Sketching with your camera will make you a better photographer.
This activity will help you to approach new scenes with multiple options and opportunities. You will get better at seeing the photos that others don’t see.
The Keys to Sketching with Your Camera
Work quickly – don’t focus on finding the perfect shot. Find variations on a shot and don’t worry if a shot isn’t working. Capture it and try something else.
Don’t commit to one thing – even though you may have an idea of what you think is the best shot, try other things that you wouldn’t normally try with that scene.
Variety is the Spice of Life – Try something different than you would normally do. Use different focal lengths and different angles.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please share them in the comments.